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Nord Piano 2 HP Portable Digital Stage Piano w/ AKG K 702 Reference Headphones

Estimated price for orientation: 2 499 $

Category: Nord

Features Includes: Nord Piano 2 HP, USA Power Plug, USB Cable, Nord Piano LIbrary V5, Nord Sample Library, Manual, AKG K 702 Reference Headphones Effect 1: Pan, Tremolo, Stereo Auto-wah Effect 2: Stereo Phaser, Flanger and Chorus Delay: Yes, Stereo Delay with Tap Tempo Eq: 3 band, sweepable Mid Description Product Description The Nord Piano 2 comes loaded with a selection of amazing sounds from the Nord Piano Library - our specialized library for Grand, Upright and Electrical Pianos, Clavinet and Harpsichords. All the sounds have been recorded using our state-of-the-art sampling techniques to capture the extraordinary nuances and unique characters of the source instruments and covers everything from brilliant, factory new Grand Pianos to detuned upright bar pianos with tons of charm. The entire Nord Piano Library is included on DVDs and new additions can be downloaded free on the Nord Piano Library page. Replacing the sounds in your Nord Piano 2 is simply a matter of dragging and dropping files in the Nord Sound Manager for Mac and Windows. Long Release adds a slightly longer release to the tone, which can be suitable when playing legato. Advanced String Resonance reproduces the intricate interplay of piano strings resonating at their fundamental or harmonic frequencies when other notes are played on our Upright and Grand piano sounds. Pedal Noise recreates the mechanical sounds of lifting and releasing the damper mechanism, producing the characteristic thomp and sizzle sounds. The Pedal Noise feature responds dynamically to the force/momentum used when pressing or releasing the pedal.